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Meet the Breeds

At Pawsh K9s we have a love for all things dog, and with that comes a love for more than just one breed. The pluck of the Boston Terrier. The loyalty of the Giant Schnauzer. The spunk of the Bull Terrier. The brains of the Poodles. The Energy of the Dalmatian. Every breed fills their own niche in the dog world. 

Below is short description of each breed. By clicking on the dog icon above each breed you will be taken to each breed's page where you can learn even more about them and see some pictures of our K9 Superstars in action.  

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a lively little companion recognized by his tight tuxedo jacket, sporty but compact body, and the friendly glow in his big, round eyes. Sturdy but portable, people-oriented, and always up for a brisk walk to the park, these wonderful little dogs make for a great companion for most any household. 

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer was developed in the Bavarian Alps sometime in the mid-1800s. These rugged working dogs, bred up from the Standard Schnauzer, were used to drive cattle from farm to market. Great intelligence and loyalty make him a stellar worker and companion.

Standard Poodle

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Miniature Poodle

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The standard poodle has been around since the 17th Century, originally as water retrieval dogs, the Standard Poodle is now so much more. From service work, to hunting, to Search and rescue, or even a family pet, the poodle can do it all. 

 According to legend, the Miniature Poodle was originally bred to assist in truffle hunting over 600 years ago, then quickly gained popularity as a lap dog amongst the European upper-class. With their instantly recognizable appearance, exceptional intelligence, and friendly attitude, these dogs have remained among the most popular breeds since those times.

Dalmatians have a job description unique among AKC breeds: coach dog. Their traditional occupation was to trot beside horse-drawn coaches, and to guard the horses and rig when otherwise unattended. With their preferred humans, Dals are bright, loyal, and loving house dogs. They are strong, active athletes with great stamina; wonderful partner for runners and hikers.


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